We are requesting All Existing clients to verify their Phone Number with us. It's effortless.

The Process is very Simple. Please follow the steps written billow to Verify your Phone number with us.
  1. Login to our Client Area section.
  2. Our system will automatically display your Phone Registered with us.
  3. Double Check your Phone Number.
  4. Please type the correct phone number and country code, if the displayed number is wrong or no longer with you.
  5. Select Verification Mode by selecting Call or SMS. (We recommend SMS option for Mobile Numbers. Only use call option, if the number is Landline.)
  6. Click The Verify button.
  7. Choose SMS or CALL option
  8. Enter the 6 Digit OTP which you received by SMS or Voice call.
  9. You Are Done. That's All
Thank you for being a loyal customer of Magic Web India. We are nothing without you. Thank you once again.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

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